CASE STUDY: Immaculate Conception Catholic Regional School

Innovation Center 5
Arrow Black

Study Objective

Ensure that all leadership, facilitators, and learners of ICCR experience meaningful spatial influence, solidifying an understanding, acceptance, and implementation of the environment as a second teacher.


  • To gain mastery of facilitation process skills such as: instruction, assessment, community, and feedback by including the practice of environmental design & awareness
  • To gain expertise & confidence whilst in the growth process of the following skills: innovation, communication, problem-solving, compassion , and Gospel-centered leadership
Untitled (13)
Iccr IRL3
Untitled (12)
Public Speaking (1)
Innovation Center 5


  • Catholic Regional School
  • Roughly 350 learners
  • Grades Pk – 8
  • PBL Focused Curriculum
  • Integration of Faith-Based
  • Experiences

Key Message

The physical space can positively support learning experiences by acting as a second teacher.

Faith Oriented

21st Century learning environments should encourage spiritual excellence and promote understanding of societal processes.

Design Attributes

Natural Lighting, Soft Hues, Intriguing
Lines/Angles, Inviting Textures


  • Study Strategy & School-Wide Initiative
  • Craft Messaging & Solidify Criteria
  • Specify Data Collection & Program Analysis
  • Communicate Design Objectives
  • Host Debrief, Feedback, & Workshops
  • Map Progress to Pinpoint Averages & Outcomes
  • Case Study Collaboration
    – School Leadership Committee
    – Steering Committee
    – 8th Grade Panel
    – Consultation Agency
    – NorvaNivel
  • Methodology Guidelines
    – Comprehensive Needs Assessment
    – Environmental Effect on Outcomes Over
    – Time Survey
    – Observation & Anecdotal
    – Progress Walkthrough – Likert Model
    – Workshop(s) – Interview Style

Study Timeline

Timeline 24


  • June 2024

Next Steps

Continued outcome measurement,
analysis, and development


ICCR Principal
Mike Miele

Sue McKenna

True North Navigating Education
Christina Corser

NorvaNivel Director of Ed
Hannah Tejeda


  • FEDC-based spatial capacity avg growth of 4-5% within 5 environment types
  • Middle School FEDC-based spatial growth of 30% in Sensory Input/Output and Growing Flexible Thinking capacities
  • Middle School FEDC-based spatial growth of 60% in Pretend Play capacities
  • Elementary School FEDC-based spatial growth of 20% in Social Connection capacities
  • Elementary School FEDC-based spatial growth of 32% in Growing Flexible Thinking capacities
  • Elementary School FEDC-based spatial growth of 48% in Organization capacities
  • Environment as a Second Teacher acceptance rate growth of 50% post workshop
  • Spatial Objective Integration avg growth of 65%
  • Overall increase and integration of PBL curriculum and methods in conjunction with the physical environment
  • Overall increased attendance during Pathways Programming
  • Overall increased connection in middle school self-actualization and problem-solving processes