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The latest insights into the positive impact of furniture and space design on students and learning communities.
The latest insights into the positive impact of furniture and space design on students and learning communities.
“The senses, being explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge. Our apparatus for educating the senses offers the child a key to guide his explorations of the world.”
read moreAustralia’s Department of Education highlights teaching ideas regarding the 5 senses. In a page titled, ‘The Senses Working Together’
read moreA collaboration from the UFG Manufacturing Team: Director of Education, Hannah Tejeda, BA, M.ed; Engineer, Arun Surujpaul and A&D Representative, Adriana Mezquitti
read moreHow ‘being known’ can contribute to overall confidence, communication, and cognition. Harvard Business Review released its November - December 2024 issue. On the front cover, it highlights an article located on pg 68 titled: We’re Still Lonely at Work - [...]
read moreThe act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities. A range of possibilities from which one or more may be selected. Of very good quality.
read moreInspiring growth is at the forefront of educator conversations and development throughout the year. Connection is a substantial component of fostering this growth. Connection to self, connection to materials, connection to others, and relatedly - interconnection between those connections. Observing [...]
read moreA well-known best-practice instructional methodology is Understanding by Design. Usually, partnered by Backwards Design. Both practices highlight the importance of gestalt theory, especially throughout the unit planning process.
read morePrior to creating a learner-centered space, there are preventative measures one can take to ensure an equitable, experiential, and joyful learning environment. Prior to facilitating in a learner-centered space, there are preventative steps one can take to ensure the creation [...]
read moreThrough many forms of evaluations and assessments, learners are observed and studied; their outcomes are measured and used, in comparison, to grow future learners’ skill sets and abilities.
read moreAlongside academic durability and aesthetic appeal, NorvaNivel considers natural curiosities and needs of learners when designing for educational spaces.
read moreBased on a conglomerate of research, we know that more intentional movement = more focus, more focus = more progress.
read moreEach of NorvaNivel’s new designs are based on an educational or design study. Research from The National Library of Medicine, International Journal of Ed and Practice, Frontier Psychology, The Hun School of Princeton, Harvard Business School etc.
read more'Independent learning is defined as that learning in which the learner, in conjunction with relevant others, can make the decisions necessary to meet the learner's own learning needs' (Kesten, 1987).
read moreStimulus are everywhere – including classrooms. If this is what we process in our favorite coffee shop,imagine what students process throughout their learning day.
read moreOne common pitfall of the educational furnishings industry, is that designs are influenced by adults outside of the education system with primarily aesthetic influence.
read more“Everybody’s a genius. But if you judge a fish based on its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its entire life thinking it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein Considering everything that has happened in our world over the [...]
read moreAs summer strolls in, and the campus gets waxed, painted, and washed, this is the leadership team’s time to buckle down and work on budget and how to spend. With the support of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security [...]
read moreA learner’s well-being doesn’t stop at physical distancing. They desperately need developmentally, socially and emotionally safe spaces as well.
read moreBefore you scour the stores attempting to simulate the traditional classroom, you may want to explore what’s really going on in progressive schools, and most workplaces.
read moreThe award-winning NorvaNivel ROCKEROTT is the first of its kind. Lightweight, flexible, and truly versatile. The original RockerOtt was and still is a seating solution that can support learners through all their natural body movements and learning needs, as well [...]
read moreCOVID-19 has definitely impacted global education. How do we sustain distance (albeit temporarily) in learning environments while ensuring it doesn’t become the overriding principle in space design?
read moreBright yellow combined with vibrant greens and soft blues to create a calming space for the young readers of the Connetquot Public Library. Why is the psychology of color important to the learning environment? Understanding the role that different colors [...]
read moreAt NorvaNivel, all the learning spaces we create are designed to empower learners. We recognize that spaces are not one-size-fits-all, but need to cater to learners’ profiles. Having surfaces at varied heights with options to sit or stand ensures learners [...]
read moreCasters are great when they are purposefully integrated into the balanced learning environment; however, it is a common misconception that, in a future-ready learning environment, all furniture needs to be on casters. Casters are important to ensure an ease of [...]
read moreSitting on the edge of your seat is a sure sign of engagement! At NorvaNivel, we design and manufacture seats, but not chairs. For those transitioning to our flexible learning spaces, questions can arise around seats without backs. From research [...]
read moreTwo students on a medium GRASSYOTT ottoman in a library space THE GRASSYOTT ottoman is just what nature ordered! The GRASSYOTT ottoman provides learners with a natural feeling and comforting material. These dome shaped seats come in three different sizes, [...]
read moreLearning environments are a question of equity. What works for one learner doesn’t necessarily work for the other. Effective learning spaces need to meet the diverse needs of ALL learners. Educators who embrace this understand that the learning environment plays [...]
read moreCreating an active learning environment is about less- not more! Five Tips to Help You Make Space in Your Learning Environments! As the journey to creating your new space begins, it’s important to consider resources, budget, and limitations. However, it [...]
read moreGone are the days of wooden desks neatly aligned in a row in a classroom. It has been a slow change in education with most classrooms looking the same for the last few centuries. Finally, needed changes are taking place [...]
read moreOur writable surface options are one of our most requested items to date and for good reason! They allow for learners to compose their notes and share them in a collaborative environment with peers and educators. When combined with a [...]
read moreContemporary education is more dynamic, engaging and student-centered. New generations require new ways of teaching and learning and adaptability is key. At NorvaNivel, we’re passionate about the education environment, which is why we’ve been designing furniture for contemporary learning spaces [...]
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