NorvaNivel Management and Employees are dedicated to quality of service and continuous improvement for our clients, and their business systems, along with our own people and our internal systems.

NorvaNivel’s objective is to achieve total customer satisfaction by delivering a high quality locally made and sourced product coupled with a high level of customer service relevant to learners and teachers needs through established procedures and commitment to consistently provide specialised value-adding services, which will

NorvaNivel’s objectives are measurable and consistent with the Quality Policy, including commitment to continual improvement, organisational excellence and quality awareness through:

+ innovative process improvements.
+ innovative product improvement.
+ sourcing and reviewing sourcing decisions based on factoring in environmental obligations, safety obligations, user experience, supplier consistency and quality and supporting local businesses.
+new product design.
+training our people.
+value for money to our clients.
+ developing client and employee satisfaction programs.
+ meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, and
+ being aware of, meeting and exceeding all legal, regulatory, contractual and industry requirements.

NorvaNivel will provide strong leadership and lead by example to ensure all of our people:
+ understand and take ownership of our quality and service standards.
+ provide value-adding service and gain high levels of client satisfaction.
+provide ongoing improvement by setting high standard quality requirements, and
+ are encouraged to voice new ideas and innovations and continuously review and improve our work processes.

This policy is applicable to NorvaNivel in all its operations and functions.