Flexible learning spaces encourage engagement in 21st century curriculum.

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Decades ago, students were expected to sit in rows and listen quietly, but educators today are vying for their attention. The Quakers Hill principal and vice principal set out to effectively deliver a future-focused curriculum to enable these future job seekers to be better equipped with 21st century skills.

They recognized the need to create learning environment that are conducive to engagement. It wasn’t a case of just rearranging existing furniture, but creating learning spaces that are inherently flexible and adaptable to suit different students’ needs and the needs of the learning content.


The result has been learning spaces that engage all types of learners in the state’s future-focused curriculum. The multipurpose, flexible furniture has created agile, inclusive spaces that empower both students and educators.

Vice Principal Chris Lambert commented, “We’ve had six spaces done this year all through NorvaNivel and all six of them are unique in their own way. Each is a different space and a different feel and I think a lot of that comes through the negotiation from each individual teacher working with the NovaNivel design team. Every step of the way it’s been wonderful.”


NorvaNivel, along with our technology partners, ASI Solutions, and the school leaders at Quakers Hill Public School, worked collaboratively to develop solutions to suit a range of different learning and working styles. By providing a range of age and size appropriate options to each learning environment, learners would be comfortable and focus on the task at hand and the skills they are being taught.

In the kindergarten spaces, there are low work stations and areas for group instruction including: CLOUDIE™ Jnr Collection; PEBBLETREE™ Low Collection with WORKPAD™ Pads for breakout spaces; and the AMPHI™ Curve Collection (Jnr).

The classrooms are designed with different colored stations to help small groups of students move from one activity to the next. This variety suits the preference of the students and the learning topics and activities.

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“We’ve had six spaces done this year all through NorvaNivel and all six of them are unique in their own way. Each is a different space and a different feel and I think a lot of that comes through the negotiation from each individual teacher working with the NovaNivel design team. Every step of the way it’s been wonderful.”

Chris Lambert, Vice Principal



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Creating a learning space that allows learners to move between sitting on seats and sitting on the floor creates an ergonomic and engaging learning environment.

The Amphi Jnr inner is ideal for group work in a 21st century learning environment.

The WORKPAD is a unique portable seat and lap desk.