Collaborative learning spaces encourage both peer to peer learning and brainstorming as well as teacher facilitated learning.
Collaborative learning spaces encourage both peer to peer learning and brainstorming as well as teacher facilitated learning.
Rows of tiny desks all facing the same way does not allow for a 21st century learning experience. Collaborative learning spaces by nature should be extremely flexible and agile, allowing for movement and integration of technology. Our designs encourage group work and discussion. These spaces can be for both small and large group sizes. Collaborative learning spaces can also be included in both Library + Shared Learning spaces, presentation areas, and brainstorming areas. LET’S EXPLORE...
"When you give them an alternative and open up some options for how they sit, it’s amazing how it just removes barriers to’s been interesting to see how the kids actually get excited about what they’re doing."
Bruce, Principal, NorvaNivel Customer
Creates a quiet space for peer to peer collaboration and learning.
The seated STEAMspace Table Jnr with low STEAMspace Stools facilitates an agile STEAM space.