Hannah Tejeda – Educational Consultant
August 2023
‘Independent learning is defined as that learning in which the learner, in conjunction with relevant others, can make the decisions necessary to meet the learner’s own learning needs’ (Kesten, 1987). ‘There is a broad acceptance that learners develop values, attitudes, knowledge, and skills needed to make responsible decisions and take appropriate actions during independent learning activities’ (Barrows,1985). NorvaNivel strives to design for the individual, assist the collective, and promote growth towards actualized independence.
Teaching modalities range in methodology and practice. They expand based on curriculum needs and diversified student populations. As should the physical learning environment – expanding to connect with curriculum and diverse populations. Let’s take a closer look at several methodologies and how NorvaNivel creates spaces that connect with these practices. Let’s examine traditional educational layouts in conjunction with progressive design for the goal of more effectively reaching individual learners.
Teaching Methodologies:
- One Teach, One Assist
- Parallel Teaching
- Alternative Teaching
- Project Based / Cross-Curricular Learning
- Station Learning
- Inquiry Based – International Baccalaureate
Fig A
Fig B
Fig A reflects a spatial construction that meets traditional teaching methodology. Each student equally receiving classroom resources. Fig B highlights spatial combinations that meet traditional and progressive teaching methodologies. Each collective equally receives equitable classroom resources.
We, at NorvaNivel, have a passion for meeting students and educators where they are in order to propel them forward to who they can become. We are excited to showcase several NEW furnishings that will effectively assist educational organizations with the goal of more positive and personal academic, socio-emotional, and physical outcomes.These products, coupled with NEW Professional Development workshops, work to meet all needs of learners and staff equally and equitably.