“The senses, being explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge. Our apparatus for educating the senses offers the child a key to guide his explorations of the world.”
Category Archives: Blog
Australia’s Department of Education highlights teaching ideas regarding the 5 senses. In a page titled, ‘The Senses Working Together’
A collaboration from the UFG Manufacturing Team: Director of Education, Hannah Tejeda, BA, M.ed; Engineer, Arun Surujpaul and A&D Representative, Adriana Mezquitti
How ‘being known’ can contribute to overall confidence, communication, and cognition. Harvard Business Review released its November – December 2024 issue. On the front cover, it highlights an article located on pg 68 titled: We’re Still Lonely at Work – It’s time for companies to take a different approach.
The act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.
A range of possibilities from which one or more may be selected.
Of very good quality.
Inspiring growth is at the forefront of educator conversations and development throughout the year. Connection is a substantial component of fostering this growth. Connection to self, connection to materials, connection to others, and relatedly – interconnection between those connections. Observing the definition of connect(ion) – it can be both something we do and a sense of being. We can consciously work to connect with ourselves, materials, and others. At the same time, we can subconsciously feel or not feel a sense of connectedness.
A well-known best-practice instructional methodology is Understanding by Design. Usually, partnered by Backwards Design. Both practices highlight the importance of gestalt theory, especially throughout the unit planning process.