“Everybody’s a genius. But if you judge a fish based on its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its entire life thinking it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein Considering everything that has happened in our world over the last couple of years, meeting learner needs is
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As summer strolls in, and the campus gets waxed, painted, and washed, this is the leadership team’s time to buckle down and work on budget and how to spend. With the support of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds, your school may […]
A learner’s well-being doesn’t stop at physical distancing. They desperately need developmentally, socially and emotionally safe spaces as well.
Before you scour the stores attempting to simulate the traditional classroom, you may want to explore what’s really going on in progressive schools, and most workplaces.
The award-winning NorvaNivel ROCKEROTT is the first of its kind. Lightweight, flexible, and truly versatile. The original RockerOtt was and still is a seating solution that can support learners through all their natural body movements and learning needs, as well as channel physical learners’ excess energy to focus on their tasks at hand.
COVID-19 has definitely impacted global education. How do we sustain distance (albeit temporarily) in learning environments while ensuring it doesn’t become the overriding principle in space design?